Traditional English Tattoos
The English people have a long association with tattooing stretching back to the very beginnings of our nation. As far back as the 5th century AD it is thought that many of the Anglo-Saxon Kings and their bands of warriors who were to lay the very foundation stones of what is now the English nation, were heavily tattooed. Indeed, it is recorded that after the English defeat at the Battle of Hastings King Harold, the last true King of the English, was only identified by the tattoos on his body.
Our early ancestors the Anglo-Saxons were an extremely proud people, both tough and resourceful. Theirs was a rich culture capable of creating things of great beauty , whether in stories or song, or in the decoration of the everyday objects that they used. We've brought together some examples of Anglo-Saxon artwork. This is not British artwork, or Celtic artwork, but early English artwork that has been used by our people to decorate themselves, their jewelry, their clothing, their weapons and their armour for well over 1000 years. Each of the images represented would have held a symbolic and deep-seated meaning to them.
Most of these tattoos have been around since the very birth of our country, and as such form part of the cultural heritage of the English Nation and of all the Anglo-Saxon people.
Wear them with pride, for you have much to be proud of.
The designs are now available in template form that can be given to your tattooist (some may need altering slightly depending upon the skill of your tattooist).
We don't charge for the templates but we do ask you to make a small donation to this English charity that we support The Steadfast Trust - Donate . Do not contact us for the templates unless you have first donated.